Friday, September 9, 2011

Tales from Pukelandia

It's been a few days since my last post. I want to try to post at least every other day but as the blog is titled: notenoughours! My wife Marcia is recovering from her 15th surgery and I am helping my oldest daughter with her online-home school. Then two days ago my youngest daughter brought home from school a stomach virus (:-, Every year, two or three weeks into public school and the stomach virus hits. If that wasn't bad enough today my oldest daughter started hanging her shoes out of the toilet as she caught the bug.

So now I'm trying to manage the household chores, take care of my wife tend to the dog's needs, keep the fish from going belly up, comfort two puking kids, all while attempting to maintain my own sanity. Now that my youngest is starting to recover, she is now complaining that I am doing more to help my oldest daughter through her sickness than I did for her. Seriously? Sibling rivalry is one thing, but catching flack for helping one child get over the flu is ridiculous.

(After writing this and saving as a draft, my youngest started throwing up again so I am running up and down stairs between the two toilets trying to keep the vomit out of everyones hair and from making my girls look like rastafarians; not that rastas look bad, but my daughters don't fit the look)

Well, what keeps me focused is realizing that no matter how bad I think I have it, someone else has it worse and I shouldn't be selfish and complain. A painter I respect, Carol Marine, has just lost her house to the wild fires around Austin, Texas. I would much rather be in the predicament I am in right now than have to deal with her troubles.

Let's just hope I don't get sick!

(I originally wrote this post on Friday night. Before I could upload the photos and post, I started to get sick and spent a miserable weekend throwing up with stomach cramps and a raging headache. Not fun.)

Normally I like to post photos with my blog posts, but I don't think anyone wants to see anything that's happening in our house right now; so I will post a photo of my recent painting from my painting blog.


OK, so this photo is kinda' cute; Nurse Tika looking after Briar.